Thursday, November 28, 2019

70+ Interesting Debate Topics and Ideas for 2019

Choosing an interesting topic for a debate can be a little tricky. There are several factors that are to be considered before you choose a topic. Is the topic debatable? Do you have content for it? Is the content easily available for research? Are you genuinely interested in the topic? Is the topic good enough to impress your audience? Quick Links 1. How To Choose Good Debate Topics? 2. Controversial Debate Topics 3. Funny Debate Topics 4. Political Debate Topics 5. Debate Topics for Middle School 6. Debate Topics For High School 7. Debate Topics For College Students 8. Public Forum Debate Topics To create a strong debate, you don't need a complex topic. Your topic needs to be interesting enough to create an engaging discussion.' 1. How To Choose Good Debate Topics? There are some important factors that need to be considered when it comes to choosing a good debate topic. A good debate topic will help the audience understand both sides of the issues and keep them engaged to make better and informed decisions. Here are a few tips that will help you choose a good topic for your debate. Interest it is necessary that you should be interested in your topic since you are the one who is going to write and deliver it to your audience. If you are not interested in the topic, there is no way that your debate will be convincing enough to persuade your audience. Research To debate in an effective way, you should be aware of the pros and cons of your topic. This will help you convince the audience by opposing the opponent's viewpoints. Target Audience This is the most essential factor to consider while choosing a debate topic. Your topic should be according to the intellectual level of your audience. Only this way, they will actually understand what you are trying to deliver in your debate. Yes, choosing a topic itself is a great struggle. Once you have chosen a topic, you will have to prepare a strong debate by researching every aspect of the topic. Is that too much work for you? Don't panic; we have a good idea. Choose a topic from the list given below and simply hire a professional writer from an essay writing service to do the rest for you. Wondering where you will find a professional writer? 5StarEssays is the place for you then. All you have to do is provide your topic along with the instructions and the expert writers will do the job for you. Here is a complete list of engaging ideas for your debate. Continue reading and you will definitely find a great topic. 2. Controversial Debate Topics Alcohol should not be sold on weekends. Pharmacists should not be allowed to prescribe medicines. Animal testing should be banned. Public speaking boosts the confidence of students. Children are not supposed to play video games. Beauty pageants are setting ridiculous standards in society. Obesity in children is increasing because of parents' lack of control over their children. Children should not be allowed to use gadgets. There should be no advertisements on kid's channels. People should be fined according to their income. If you want more topics, we have combined a list of controversial and argumentative topics for a strong debate. 3. Funny Debate Topics Women are much more complicated than men. Which one is better? Eat to live or live to eat? Children should not be allowed to watch cartoons as they portray violence. Why men can date younger women but women can't date younger men? Are there some discrete messages in nursery rhymes? Morals or money? Which one is necessary to survive? Which gender is better? Male or female? How does sunlight affect vampires? Can vampires get AIDS? How will be life after death? 4. Political Debate Topics Monarchy should end worldwide. Everyone should be allowed to keep weapons. Free speech is an individual right. Religious schools and churches should also be charged with taxes. Is freedom of speech necessary for a nation to grow? What should be the penalty for illegal immigrants? There should be more members of the jury. Refugees should not be allowed to acquire any sort of nationality. Is it ethical to carry an automatic weapon? Is patriotism a good or a bad thing? 5. Debate Topics for Middle School Along with studies, there should be chores for students as well. Sports should be an essential part of middle school. School debate should be compulsory for all students. There should be a monarch system in the United States Is the death penalty effective as a punishment? There should be no school uniforms or dress code. Junk food should not be banned in schools. Energy drinks should be banned for students. Students should volunteer for community service. Students should not be allowed to gadgets in school. 6. Debate Topics For High School Is it ethical to use animals for testing? High school students should not be allowed cell phones in school. Global warming and its impacts on humanity. Causes of increasing racism in the United States. Marijuana should be legal for its use in medicines. Impact of social media on teenagers and high school students. Effects of violent cartoons on the mental development of children. Is it ethical to clone animals? Celebrities have the leverage to get away with crimes, more than any non-celebrity. Nuclear weapons should be banned across the globe. 7. Debate Topics For College Students Social networking sites are used for stalking instead of communicating. Torture is never justified, no matter what the situation is. How badly peer pressure can affect an innocent soul? Violent games should be banned for teenagers. The modern college education system is better than the traditional one. Beauty pageants are another way to objectify women. Cigarettes should not be allowed in public places. Homework should be banned in schools. Models are setting wrong standards of beauty. Fast-food chains are the major cause of increase in obesity rate. Is sex education necessary for middle school students? Nuclear powers are the major cause of wars. Same-sex marriage should not be allowed.\ Gay relationships are against nature. Students are becoming way too dependent on technology. Money is a major source of motivation in the workplace. 8. Public Forum Debate Topics Abortion is the right of every woman. Genetic engineering is not a natural process and should not be legalized. Birth control pills should be accessible to teenagers. There should be an equal ratio of male and female employees in the workplace. Barbie is not a practical example of a role model. Feminism is causing more harm than good. Gay couples should be allowed to adopt children. Marijuana has its advantages. MeToo movement is being misused, forgetting its real purpose. Media should be free to express their opinions and criticism. The minimum wage for all the countries should be the same. Parents should not hit children in front of others. Censorship is necessary for media. Passion or patriotism can be harmful in certain situations. Effects of social media on teenagers. Social media is a cause of increasing depression among the youth. Use of drugs should be considered a mental issue. How is peer pressure different from bullying? How are humans destroying the habitat of animals? Being too religious can be dangerous. Hopefully you would have found interesting topics for your debate by now.' If you need more topics, you can check out our essay topic generator. You will find a list of topics you can choose from.' For some students, composing a debate it harder than selecting a topic. We can help you with that as well. Now that you have selected a topic, you can give it to one of our essay writers and can a custom essay or paper written according to your requirements. Place your order now to get a debate on the topic of your choice.'

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Bones of the Buddha - Excavating the Piprahwa Stupa

Bones of the Buddha - Excavating the Piprahwa Stupa 2013. Secrets of the Dead: Bones of the Buddha. Directed and written by Steven Clarke. Executive producers Steve Burns and Harry Marshall. Produced by Icon Films for Thirteen and WNET. Featuring Charles Allen, Neil Peppe, Harry Falk, Bhante Piyapala Chakmar, and Mridula Srivastava. Special thanks to the Archaeological Survey of India, the Indian Museum of Kolkata, the Mahabodhi Temple committee, Dr. S. K. Mittra, the Srivastava Family and Ram Singh Ji. 54 minutes; DVD and BluRay The Bones of the Buddha is an historical entry in the PBS series Secrets of the Dead, published in 2013 and touching on the politically dicey discussion of religion and history in India. Centered around the ongoing research of historian Charles Allen, Bones of the Buddha tells the story of the stupa at Piprahwa, a Buddhist sacred structure in the Basti district of Uttar Pradesh in India. Piprahwa is believed by some scholars to be near the site of Kapilavastu, the capital of the Shakyan state, and the Shakyas were the family of the man who would become the historical Buddha [Siddhartha Gautama or Shakyamuni, 500-410 BC], the center of the Buddhist religion. But more than that: Piprahwa is, or rather was, the family burial place of some of the Buddhas ashes. Historical and Archaeological Investigations Bones of the Buddha details the investigations by amateur archaeologist William Claxton Peppe, professional archaeologist Dr. K.M. Srivastava, and historian Charles Allen to identify one of the most important of the several burial places of the ashes of the Buddha: that belonging to the Buddhas family. After his death, so the legend goes, the Buddhas ashes were divided into eight parts, one part of which was given to the Buddhas clan. Evidence of the Shakya family burial place of the Buddhas ashes was ignored for nearly 100 years due to the damage inflicted by a corrupt archaeologist: Dr. Alois Anton FÃ ¼hrer. FÃ ¼hrer was the head of the British colonial archaeological center for northern India, a German archaeologist who was at the center of a scandal concerning faked and looted artifacts, attributed falsely to the Buddha. But when the excavations at Piprahwa were being undertaken by W.C. Peppe in the late 19th century, the scandal was yet a few months away: but near enough in time to cast doubt on the authenticity of the finds. The Buddhas Cache What Peppe found buried deeply within the enormous stupa was a stone reliquary, within which were five small jars. In the jars were hundreds of tiny jewels in the shapes of flowers. More were scattered within the reliquary, intermingled with burned bone fragments of the Buddha himself: this burial is believed to have been placed here by Buddhas disciple, King Ashoka, 250 years after the Buddhas death. In the 1970s, archaeologist K. M. Srivastava reexcavated at Piprahwa and found, beneath Ashokas elaborate burial, a simpler burial place, believed to have been the original site where the Buddhas family placed the remains. Indian History The story brought forward by Bones of the Buddha is a fascinating one: one of the British Raj in India, when the amateur archaeologist W.C. Peppe plowed a trench through an enormous stupa and found the 4th century BC burial remains. The story continues in the 1970s, with K. M. Srivastava, a young Indian archaeologist who was convinced that Piprahwa was Kapilavastu, the capital of the Sakyan state. And finally it concludes with modern historian Charles Allen, who wanders suburban England and northern India in search of the artifacts, the language and the history behind the stupa at Piprahwa. Most of the all, the video (and the sites investigations for that matter) is excellent as an introduction to the archaeology and history of Buddhism. The Buddhas life, where he was born, how he came to become enlightened, where he died and what happened to his cremated remains are addressed. Also involved in the story is the leader Ashoka, Buddhas disciple, who 250 years after Buddhas death promulgated the religious teachings of the holy man. Ashoka was responsible, say the scholars, for the placing the Buddhas ashes here in a stupa fit for royalty. And finally, Bones of the Buddha provides the viewer with an introduction to the broadening of Buddhism, how it came to be that 2,500 years after the Buddha died, 400 million people world wide are following his teachings. Bottom Line I very much enjoyed this video, and I learned a lot. I dont know much at all about Buddhist archaeology or history, and it was good to have a bit of a starting point. I was surprised to see, or rather not see, any Indian archaeologists interviewed during the filming: although S. K. Mittra and the Archaeological Survey of India are credited at the end, and Allen visits the sites and museums where the relics are deposited. That circumstance led me to do a bit more investigation on my own; more of that later. We cant really ask more of a video: to pique the viewers interest into the past. Bones of the Buddha is a fascinating video, and well worth added to your viewing choices. Disclosure: A review copy was provided by the publisher. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Choose one of them i will upload after paid Essay

Choose one of them i will upload after paid - Essay Example This form of writing provides a deep analysis of Purchasing Power Parity and highlights some of the PPP’s significance in the economy. PPP theory is used in various situations including adjustments for the price differences between countries and provides the solution of comparing countries with dissimilar wellbeing standards as well as setting exchange rate for new countries. By comparing the value of output from different countries and considering exchange rate for ease of data comparison, a lot of information between countries can be obtained (Yavuz 2013, p. 118-121). PPP may make it easy to determine numerous things such as the speed at which the global economy grows and further determine a country, whose average persons are better off. Purchasing Power Parity exchange rate is one of the numerous techniques that can be used to convert different country’s statistics into a common currency (Carvalho & Nechio 2011, pp. 2412-2423). It is worth noting that the PPP exchang e rate must not be similar with the one that prevails in the financial markets as it may either be more or less. Nevertheless, comparison of prices between different countries considers several products and services, which is a very complex task due to the massive amount of data, and the sophistications encountered in the process. In facilitating the price comparison process, always an International Comparisons Program (ICP) generates PPPs founded on global survey of prices where every participating country provides national average prices for several products. PPP is deemed a better measure of the overall wellbeing and its exchange rates are always fairly stable over time. Unfortunately, PPP is not easy to determine compared to other approaches such as the market based rates since ICP is a huge statistical undertaking and there are challenges of methodological involved such as estimation of the PPP rates that may lead to inaccuracies. Additionally, another challenge of using the PP P approach is that there are products that are never available in some countries thus limiting their utilization in comparison purposes. According to Adhikari, Guru-Gharana & Flanagan (2011, p. 4-8) because these countries share almost same economic trend of consumption normally experience better PPP exchange rates compared to countries that do not have similar economic characteristics. On the other hands, most of the developing countries particularly in Africa and Asia may make it difficult to obtain an adjusted exchange rate for PPP because they do not have well-kept economic records deemed important in determining the PPP exchange rates (Taylor 2009, 19-24). Although it may be presumed that, the nominal exchange rate and PPP may be comparatively similar there is always, an evident of a marked difference in the PPP’s accustomed exchange rates. It is significant to note that the PPP figures are normally grounded on the law of one price that indicates that products and servic es cost similar amounts everywhere such as the price of Big Mac in UK and France are similar. This assumption is vital in comparing the two products directly in